Some news
almost 4 years ago
– Wed, Mar 17, 2021 at 08:27:09 PM
Hi guys,
we apologise for the long period we have been silent without providing any updates. Sadly two members of our crew, two pillars as a matter of fact, catched the covid-19. Fortunately they are okay now, but they have been away for over two months. We have been trying to replace them, in order to keep up with the schedule, but halfway we realized that the product we were realizing was not up to the expectation. Fortunately the two members are getting better and they are going to get back again on board full time pretty soon, and rest assured we will work around the clock to give you a top game. Oveousely because of this delay we are forced to put off the delivery of the game. We are positive that we will be done with the shipment by the 2021.
Some news
over 4 years ago
– Thu, Dec 03, 2020 at 01:17:11 PM
Hi all,
We hope you are all safe and okay. We are very sorry for the long period without updates, but we have worked hard despite many adversities that have come against us.
We received some mass production samples. The others are waiting for transport.
Samples of gladiator models have a different color than the one we chose. So, we asked the manufacturer to send us new samples with the correct color. Unfortunately, it may turn out that this oversight on the part of the manufacturer may delay the delivery to backers.
We are still receiving information that many industries and our suppliers simply have too much work and too few employees. In addition, new restrictions are being introduced, which is causing additional delays above what we expected.
We have received information from the manufacturer today that there is currently a shortage of containers for the shipping of game components. This is a serious inconvenience, as the pre-Christmas period is approaching, with production and shipments being more intensive than at other times of the year.
Therefore, it is better to prepare you for Anno Urbis the fight for Rome only reaching you in February or March 2021.
Some news after the COVID emergency
over 4 years ago
– Wed, Aug 19, 2020 at 07:51:49 AM
Hi all,
we are sorry if it's long time since our last update. We have been working hard after the covid emergency. As you know we are based in Italy and our graphic team in particular in the north of Italy, the most affected area of the country. The work for the graphics suffered an important dealy so we decided to add a new member to the team with an enormous effort for our company. It was a great way to make up for some lost time.
So when everything seems to have returned to normal we received a bad news from the factory in China. After that we had to change our partner restarting some activities on the graphics.
Any way we are working hard and also if we know that there will be a delay for the fulfillment all will end well.
With the hope of finding you all healthy and safe,
see you soon
Happy birthday Rome!
almost 5 years ago
– Tue, Apr 21, 2020 at 08:54:15 AM
Hi all,
today is a special day for Rome: 2773 years ago, according to tradition, on April 21, 753 B.C., Romulus and his twin brother, Remus, found Rome on the site where they were suckled by a she-wolf as orphaned infants.
So we would like to celebrate with all of you this particular day!
After that some news about the situation .
As you can imagine there are some delays due to corona virus in the world. As you know we are in Italy and we have collaborators in the north side of the country. For this reason we are suffering some delays for the graphical adjustments. Here there should start a phase 2 on the 4th of May so we hope since there we could start to come back to normality. Of course our main goal now is the safety and healty of every our collaborators and we hope that also you and your families are in safe and health.
A delay will not stop us!
Be safe and health, see you soon!
Monthly update
about 5 years ago
– Mon, Mar 02, 2020 at 03:04:12 PM
Hi all,
a lot of things happened since the last update.
We have almost completed the big work on the cards, so by our side we are taking under control the situation of Corona Virus in China, in case of possible delays we will keep you informed. Here in Rome, the situation is completely normal and we have no problem in everyday life.
Fengi Games srls acquired Alter Ego Games, the brand owner of The Faceless (10k sold copies) and the kickstarter exclusive Ashes to Ashes. Alter Ego Games will be the brand under Fengi Games for horror type games.
At the moment is still possible to join the PM of Ashes to Ashes, so if you could be interested take a look to the campaign page here or directly the pledge manager below. Visiting the website you can buy one of the 40 copies of The Faceless still unsold.
If some of you will be at Rome for Romics fair 2-5 April we will happy to meet you there.